Snow White A Tale of Terror

I recently rewatched ‘Snow White A Tale of Terror’, a dark, more adult adaption of the classic story starring Sigourney Weaver as the wicked stepmother. I really like this film and how it interprets the story and I particularly like Weaver’s performance, especially during the apple scene.
She made up to look like an old hag and because of her height and costume looks very crooked with elongated limbs. I just had to draw it!
If you’re looking for a darker version of the story I would definitely recommend this film especially as I feel like we don’t see these kind of fairy tales in mainstream films.

The Hirfynydd Fairies

I just recently finished this piece. It’s inspired by a local legend of a Roman tombstone that stood on the Roman road where fairies were supposedly seen dancing and riding horses around it. I really want to explore more local folklore in my work, just need to do some more reading first!

I painted the fairies and moon with quink ink before applying bleach to give it that golden colour. I then painted the piece before adding detail with pencil and gold ink

Life Drawing 21/03/2019

So I’ve now completely caught up with posting my life drawing on here (finally!). This is my most recent session from last month and my third time drawing this model. My regular blue pencil broke as I started drawing so U had to use a HB pencil instead. Interestingly, I find the blue pencil works well for shading but the HB works better for drawing more detail, maybe I could combine the two again