Life Drawing (Unknown Date)

I like to date my life drawing sessions, but for some reason I forgot to with this one. I have no idea what they exact date would be but it would probably be from the end of last year.

This was a model I’ve drawn quite a few times now and I really like how the reclining pose turned out in this session.

Life Drawing 04/10/2018

Some more life drawing. I’ve drawn this model a few times now and she’s always a great one to draw. I particularly like the sitting pose out of these two. I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it previously, but the model does have some tattoos but I always leave them out of my drawings as I feel I can’t do them justice.

Life Drawing 16/08/2018

Still catching up on posting my life drawings on here, this sessions is from August last year! To try and get them on my blog quicker, I’m not editing them at all.

Normally I would clean up the background of theses drawings but I think they look okay for the most part.

This is the only time I’ve drawn this model, so far at least, and it was useful to have another male model with a different body type.